Shades of February: A Guide to the Enigmatic Amethyst

Western astrological science appoints Amethyst to Pisces' zodiac sign and is acknowledged as the February Birthstone, making it a good stone for the people born this month. Therefore, as a February baby, you should seek to wear the dazzling and mesmerizing Amethyst Birthstone Jewelry of your choice.

Apart from its mesmerizing beauty, this semi-precious gemstone owns a few exclusive heavenly powers and healing qualities. Natural Amethyst can help you with personal, professional, and health front. Henceforth, it's famous as a terrific healing crystal.

Amethyst is an immensely popular gemstone, and one can find it on all continents. This gem you can find abundantly in countries like South America, North America, and Africa.

Brazil is one of the world's top producer countries, with an annual production capacity of 2 to 3 thousand tons, guided by Zambia manufacturing about one thousand tons in a year. In addition, many European, Asian, and South American countries make and mine Amethyst stones.

Original or genuine Amethyst stones align with the third eye and crown Chakra. The purple color to the reddish-purple shades of Amethyst has long been a symbol of serenity, cleansing, and soothing energy.

The February birthstone depicts sanctification and connection with spiritual and holy beings. The meaning of this gemstone relates to peace, understanding, honesty, and grace. Many cultures have linked the spiritual overtones of this gemstone.

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